
  • Why age reversal is a better fitness goal
  • Reflections on 2024
  • On Influences

    My thinking has been greatly been influenced by Sam Harris in the past few years. All the conversations on existentialism, meaning, meditations, rationality, morality, free-will to climate change, AI, political beliefs and many more from Making Sense, Waking up and other podcasts have expanded my curiosity and viewpoints on fundamentals of life. It has made me lot more contemplative about our state of the world and our presence in it. Ruminating on the contents allows me to break these esoteric and complex ideas into everyday conversations.

    My favourite book to this day is The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. The fundamental theory based on Dawinian principles provides the basis of how natural selection works, giving one a theory to answer some of the most profound questions, where do we come from, how complexity arose from simplicity, why are we the way we are, how our behaviours (love, altruism, etc.) emerged and so much more. It presents a view of where life has been heading and where it would continue to head. I had a chance to see him on his tour of “The Genetic Book of the dead”. I’m currently reading Behave by Robert Sapolsky, thats the closest and different read i can find to the selfish gene.

    On health

    I came across David Sinclair from Joe Rogen. The most compelling idea was that aging is a biological problem which is reversible, there are lifestyle changes we can make to slow down speed of aging through diet, sleep, exercise amongst other intenventions which are still being scientifically tested. TL DR; I wrote a blog recently on why age reversal summarizing how age reversal is an all encompassing goal we should be thinking of having.